Downtown East Liverpool relies on your support to thrive. Click Here to Support the Revitalization Efforts or Click Here Learn More about the Point of New Beginnings

Discover historic Downtown East Liverpool…the “Ceramic City” of the Region
news spotlight
Featured news:
The ELCPR is leading the way in the renewal & revitalization of the "Ceramic City" by providing a vision and foundational structure to guide it into a City of Prosperity, Splendor, and Service.
Learn more about the ELCPR and their efforts by clicking below now!
PBS Article on ELCPR

Friday, October 7th
Your favorite event is back! 2022 brings the return of First Fridays on Fifth to downtown East Liverpool!
Hope to see you there!
discover east liverpool

East Liverpool has a rich history and is filled with activities for all age groups. Learn ways to explore East Liverpool & understand why we're the Ohio Valley's best kept secret. What you'll discover:
The Best Food Spots
Activities for All Ages
Upcomming Events
Our Rich History
Become a Volunteer
The Board of Directors of ELCPR have established numerous committees to serve many different areas of our community and they are always looking for volunteers. Click below to join our email list and to see what all our volunteers...
How Can You Get Involved?
We all have unique and special talents, and ELCPR specializes in putting those talents to work for the betterment of our entire community. We are looking for people like you! Click below and join the movement to restore East Liverpool.
Financial Help
As a not for profit, everyone within the organization is a volunteer. That means ELCPR is in need of financial support from individuals and corporations. Click below to see how you or your organization can help us financially.