Downtown East Liverpool relies on your support to thrive. Click Here to Support the Revitalization Efforts or Click Here Learn More about the Point of New Beginnings

sponsorship with the ELCPR
The ELCPR would like to extend a thank you to all of our community sponsors who support us in our mission of advancing the vibrancy, vitality and prosperity of Downtown East Liverpool – the Ceramic City of Ohio. Without their support, the ELCPR's wide variety of programs, initiatives and events would not be possible.
We invite you to make a difference in our community! Help us define downtown! The ELCPR requests your partnership to further its mission of advancing the vitality and prosperity of Downtown East Liverpool – the Ceramic City of Ohio. As a non-profit with finite resources, the ELCPR has been successful in producing a variety of programs, events and promotions to grow business and promote the district. Now, we request your partnership to fund ELCPR initiatives and meet the goals as set forth in the ELCPR's 2020 Strategic Plan.
On behalf of the ELCPR's members and businesses, thank you for the consideration of support and for taking the time to identify how you can help define the future of downtown!