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Clean Up the Historic Diamond in Downtown East Liverpool
"Many hands make light work." -John Heyward
Please join the volunteers of ELCPR with donuts on the Historic Diamond to do a clean up in preparation for the many events in Downtown East Liverpool this summer, including the 2020 Ceramic City Jazz, Blues, & BBQ Festival.
Clean Up the Historic Diamond in Downtown East Liverpool
"Many hands make light work." -John Heyward
Please join the volunteers of ELCPR with donuts on the Historic Diamond to do a clean up in preparation for the many events in Downtown East Liverpool this summer, including the 2020 Ceramic City Jazz, Blues, & BBQ Festival.
2020 Ceramic City Jazz, Blues, & BBQ Festival
This years event is a Kansas City Barbeque Society Sanctioned event, as well as a State Championship event! Because this event is a Sanctioned KCBS State Championship we will have several Professional BBQ Competitors, as well as Backyard Grillers.
We have added Friday night to our musical lineup, showcasing local entertainers. Once again Saturday's entertainers are some of the most popular from the Pittsburgh area Jazz & Blues scene. We will also have more activities for the kids, including a few surprises! If you would like an application to be a food or artisan vendor please email us at
Stay tuned for more details about the event.